Alone Together

The TED talk by Sherry Turkle really makes us think about technology back then and now. We are surrounded by technology and there is no way around it. Even the people against technology dictating our lives owns a cellphone. It is not necessarily a smart phone but with the lack of payphones on today’s world owning a cellphone is a must. That happens also with computers. If you want to know what is happening around the world or even around your own neighbourhood you will probably find out through a computer. As a graphic designer technology is an essential part of my life that I cannot live without. I wasn’t raised this way but somehow it feels that computers and cellphones were always part of my life. Strangely enough I agree with Sherry Turtle when she says .” We should learn how to detach ourself from the device, so we can become less codependent on such a material tool”. Even though I cannot live without my computer and my cellphone I miss not having them. Unfortunately the world today runs faster than it used to run 40-50 years ago. If you don’t adapt you are forgotten, if you are not up to date you are not part of this world. But when Turtle talks about detaching ourselves from these devices it comes to mind how people are getting lost with these mediums and becoming more “robotic”. For example, everyday I catch the bus and metro to go to school back and forward. No matter what time in the day, morning, afternoon or night people are always doing the same thing. It is either looking at their phones, listening to music while browsing the internet, or reading from their eBooks. It really bothers me that we don’t pay attention to the world outside the screen. Even thought I tend to do the same I don’t want my kids to grow up that way. I have two small nieces that were born in the iPad generation. They eat watching their iPads, they go on the car watching it too and they fall asleep in front of it. What happened to playing outside? To do things with their parents one on one? This happens not only with my nieces but with the rest of the world that has access to these mediums. I believe that everything is good but with some sort of moderation. I also believe that computers and tablets have a great impact on kids’ development but why using it almost 24 hours a day while they don’t really need them? They are going to be technology slaves as adults anyways so they don’t have to be one when it’s not necessary. Kids should run on the streets, ride their bikes with the neighbours kids, play outside instead of playing “sports” on the Wii or through their computer screens. People should interact with others on the bus, metro, streets, instead of becoming even more socially awkward. We learn a lot from technology but we lack the ability to limit ourselves on using it.




This article was quite interesting as it states the innovations on technology in the past. If we think about it they were not too far from achieving something that would change our history in technology. They were introducing a new tool, the Dynabook, that would change people’s behaviour and ways they would integrate technology in their daily activities. The article states that the Dynabook was the pioneer of modern computers.

The Dynabook was pretty much our iPad from the past. If we compare their interfaces and their functionalities we can say that they are very similar. It is hard to believe that in the 70s they already had this thought in mind of making this tablet with the technology that wasn’t quite available to them. They were way beyond their time as the technology back then was not as advanced if we compare it with todays. The Dynabook was something revolutionary for its time like the iPad is to us today. The only difference is that back in the 70s things such as radio and tv were the most technological tool that the public had access to it. These were mediums that people in general had some type of interaction with it.

The Dynabook was created to elevate the human interactivity with technology. It is hard to believe that about 40 years ago they were visioning something that is quite popular and almost necessary today. The advances in technology will never stop so I cannot wait to see what technology will bring us 40 years from now.

To see the article go to:



This article in particular has been mind blowing for me. I never thought that something like synestesia ever existed. I cannot imagine how some people might see the world completely different than me. Seeing numbers and colours in front of you, or even tasting words is something completely out of this world in my opinion. I cannot imagine seeing things like some of these people do. I wonder if as a graphic designer this would benefit me if I had it or if it would make my life ten times harder. One problem that I have is to keep focus when I am doing things. Nowadays we have too much distraction with the technology around us and the internet. I work in the computer 80% of my day, as the other 20% I spend sleeping and eating. If I had synestesia I believe that I would be even more distracted as other things would catch my attention. Therefore, I can’t really imagine how the people that has it deals with it. At least on the bright side, their world is way more colourful, in some cases, and probably way more interesting.


Midterm Proposal


Project Proposal PDF


Stop Motion – Post its and Illustrations


The final project will be a graphic representation of the song “Happy” by American singer and producer Pharrell Williams. The song was produced for the movie “Despicable me 2” and it became one of the best-selling songs of all time with 10 million copies sold worldwide. “Happy” was first released on November 21, 2013 alongside the music video and reissued on December 16, 2013 under exclusive licence to Columbia Records [1].

This is a feel good song that does make people happy when they listen to it. I particularly love this song as it was the theme song of my wedding video and every time I listen to it it reminds me of this special day. For this project I wanted to do something fun rather than serious. I wanted to work with colours and typography in a more visual way. For that reason I decided to create a video combining stop motion techniques and “Post its” to create the imagery.

The Idea

I always have Post Its laying around on my office table and every time I want to make a note of something I use them. I tend to put them around my computer screen and sometimes on the table itself or even on the wall. That way I won’t forget my reminders as they are right in front of me. The bright colours also helps to grab my attention and when you have lots of them in different colours it creates a nice design. Having the Post Its all around my office space gives me the feeling that I am being proactive and that I will not forget my tasks. It also helps me  organize my week and it gives my brain a break by reminding me of things that I could potentially forget. It is very hard to be organized when you take 5 different courses and you also have to deal with house chores and grocery lists. Therefore, I love using Post Its as they help me throughout my day, week and month.

Another element that I tend to use everyday, specially when I am working on my computer is music. As a graphic designer we spend way too much time in front of the computer screen creating and gathering ideas. When we are in the creative process we see many different colours, typefaces, layouts, and etc. Hence, music is needed as a way to boost my imagination and to get me focused. When I have my headphones on I do not listen to anything around me helping me work more efficiently. The songs that I tend to listen to when I need to focus are the more upbeat ones. They really help me start and keep me going. When I am working on something for a long time I tend to listen to slower and more mellow songs but in most cases I listen to fast beat songs as they excite me. “Happy” is definitely one of the songs that helps me during the creation process. For all of those reasons, I decided to combine two elements of my everyday life to come up with the concept for this project. As a result, I will remake the music video “Happy” using “Post Its”.

The Process

“Happy” is a neo soul and funk song that evokes good feelings. When I listen to it I see colours, movements, and versatility. Therefore, I will be creating Post Its imagery using many different colours. For some of the frames I will create duotone imagery, as well as complimentary colours. I will also combine many different colours and integrate images and typography. Animation will be also integrated into the video as a special element. Therefore, I will combine picture sequences with illustrations done on Illustrator. That way I can animate the Post Its.

The Project

I will be creating a 2 minutes music video of the song “Happy’’ using stop motion with Post Its as well as graphic illustrations. The video will start with a sequence of Post Its getting bigger and bigger following the intro beat of the song. For each beat the image will become bigger and this effect will be achieved by adding more Post Its to the picture. The words will be spelled with the Post Its and some animated images will also appear.


Song Lyrics:


[Verse 1:]
It might seem crazy what I’m about to say
Sunshine she’s here, you can take a break
I’m a hot air balloon that could go to space
With the air, like I don’t care baby by the way{Uh}[Chorus:]
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do[Verse 2:]
Here come bad news talking this and that, yeah,
Well, give me all you got, and don’t hold it back, yeah,
Well, I should probably warn you I’ll be just fine, yeah,
No offense to you, don’t waste your time
Here’s why[Chorus]{Hey
Bring me down
Can’t nothing
Bring me down
My level’s too high
Bring me down
Can’t nothing
Bring me down
I said (let me tell you now)
Bring me down
Can’t nothing
Bring me down
My level’s too high
Bring me down
Can’t nothing
Bring me down
I said

[Chorus x2]


(Happy) [repeats]
Bring me down… can’t nothing…
Bring me down… my level’s too high…
Bring me down… can’t nothing…
Bring me down, I said (let me tell you now)

[Chorus x2]


Inspiration Videos:

Inspiration Images:






Should One Applaud?

When it comes to the blend of technology and music many can argue that technology is the one that creates the music itself leaving the artist to do very little. Is kind of like us as graphic designers when we use Adobe software to create our work. These software are there to help us as a tool and not as the creator of our work. Things won’t be done by themselves if it is not for us. That point can be argued when it comes to music and technology.

Artists have the technology to help them on the execution of the piece but the creative process comes from the artist. For instance, some might think that a dj only pushes a bottom and he plays other people songs letting technology work for itself. But whoever thinks that way do not understand the artists role. It takes a lot of ability for someone to listen to thousands of songs and be able to mix and remix them in a way that it creates a perfect rhythm. They need to know how to blend songs in a way that when you listen to them you her melodies that works great together. The technology is there to help with the blending, but the artist is the one who comes up with the final product. In today’s world we are depended on technology in a way that we believe that technology dictates who we are. Some might be like that and they let technology lead them; but others might take advantage of technology to reinvent and come up with new things.

But if we reflect back to the text, some believe that music instruments are the ones that creates music. They are the artist tools used to express the artist’s creativity. The text states that the artist has very little to do when it comes to instruments. They believe instruments are the ones that creates the majority of the work. But what about the artist that learned how to play and control that instrument? As I mentioned before, instruments are only tools that are meant to be used by the artist as a way to communicate his or her creativity. With that being said, technology has the same role. It helps the artist in the execution of his thoughts and it introduces to him or her other possibilities expending their creative process and critical thinking.


The Futurist Manifesto

This week’s reading was quite interesting as it spoke about the futurist manifest and the works of F. T.  Marinetti. His works are quite inspiring, specially for us designers. The use of the typography and the message that each piece of work conveys is  quite fascinating. I believe that at that time it was a breath of fresh air which opened the minds of so many other artists. If we look at design today we can see how much it has evolved through time and one of the reasons why was because of the birth of futurism. As designers, we need to communicate to the audience a message through visual representations. That was exactly what Marinetti did in his work and he  succeeded. He was able to communicate visually while being creative and innovative. In the world that we live in today surrounded by technology I believe that futurism was a revolutionary event at that time. The idea of mixing different technologies and mediums, combining audio, videos and typography seem a bit too much; but the ability to do all of this and still be able to convey a message is just like perfect art.
